Investors will often fall into 1 of 3 categories. It can help you and us to understand what your knowledge and interest level is.
Have a read below to see where you fit.
I'm not currently investing and want to talk about whats available to me.
Whats happening for you? Your not ready to do anything, but maybe your starting to think about the future and what retirement might like for you.
You want to know if you are on track or are adjustments needed. An early stage chat or maybe a formal plan will allow you to feel in control as you work towards your future.
I have cash funds and want to know what is best for me.
The cash has arrived and now its time to put it to work. What you want your funds to do? Income now to enjoy a great standard of living, or do you want to grow it for the future to have its biggest impact for you and your family?
I'm already investing and want to know if something better is available to me.
Funds in the bank that aren't doing anything?, or are you feeling uneasy about the performance of your existing investments. But the investment scene is a noisy place that'ge.s hard to make sense of and you don't feel confident to do it yourself.
So, lets talk. What is your investment timeframe and have you got the correct risk profile.
And we will call whats right for you (a) Stay where you are or (b) Its time for a change.